Over the past couple of weeks I’ve been working on a new project called Logospire. Logospire is a logo inspiration gallery. You can browse logos, upload your own logos, rate logos and leave comments and feedback.
While there are a few other logo galleries out there right now, I found that each one of them was lacking something. Most of the current galleries also moderate all logo submissions, so it may be a while before your logo actually goes live.
Logospire is different in that there is no moderation queue. You can upload your logo and it will go live straight away. By default, the front page sorts logos by highest rating, so even if there are low quality submissions, these won’t make it to the front pages. You can of course also sort by latest submissions, so you can browse, rate and comment on all the upcoming logos.
Instead of using pre-made gallery management software, I’ve built Logospire from scratch to ensure it fulfills its goals 100%. In the coming weeks I’ll be tweaking and updating the site, so if you have any suggestions, don’t hesitate to contact me. Here’s what the site looks like:
So if you’re interested in logo design, go ahead and check out Logospire. I hope you like it.
[Update 3 Jan 09] - I’ve created a Twitter feed where I’m posting updates, so if you’re interested in any changes or news on Logospire, just follow me @logospire